Good News for the Perpetually Controlled

This reflection comes from Eli Brown. If you haven't checked out Sound of Metal, it is an allegorical treasure chest. Stream it on Amazon Prime. **Spoilers Galore** I have had not cried in quite some time. The tears came out slowly and hesitantly, like street urchins wary of the kindness of a stranger offering them... Continue Reading →

When Hope Holds our Hand and Leads Us Home

Each year at the end of October, Halloween festivities take center stage with many Americans tricking and treating in one form or another. And each year in the shadow of ghosts and ghouls and Batman capes, All Saints’ Day assumes the following act. On November 1st, liturgical churches consider, reflect, and remember what St. Paul... Continue Reading →

Winter 2020 Playlist

Word on the street is that Punxsutawney Phil didn’t see his shadow this year. Hopefully that means spring is not too far around the corner! But for those of you who just can’t wait and are feeling the icy chill of February seeping down your bones, don’t fear: we have something just for you.

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